Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Nothing New

Just goofy, that's all!

I don't have much new to report. Just work. I have a very busy week ahead of me, court Thursday then I'm heading up to Breck again with a friend of mine from California. Probably gonna stay up there until I have to work again Sunday. So excited!! I don't have many funny photos that you all haven't already seen. I just laughed so hard at that photo of Butch I want to post some funnies too!! Well, this is as close as I can get. This was the Wed night before Jake and Patricia visited me. It's the night Court and I bonded over shared frustration at her friend. We were goofing off while waiting for the cab to pick us up. Happy Tuesday! This week is moving a little slow wouldn't you say?

1 comment:

  1. Glad the pic of butch made you laugh-I LOVE the look on Ralph's face! And going a little slow-you bet! Since I am taking Friday off, the week is DRAGGING....Have fun! Love the photos!
