Wednesday, May 26, 2010


Okay, finally I have my cable and internet and I have some moving day photos for you all from Saturday May 15. We started out by shopping in Cort's parent's basement, then to Courtney's to get my stuff then to house! Thanks everyone for all the help!!! It meant a lot and made the move smooth and mostly stress free. I have more photos from that weekend and some from this past weekend that I'll share with you over the next few days. Enjoy! Hope your week is going well!!

At Cort's parent's. Cort and his friend from work, Connor, Cort's dad, Les, and I started the truck packing party
I put Connor in charge of dusting furniture. He did a stellar job! A+
Connor can make anything into a fort! This is a very unique fort and it was really hard to get him out of there
I drove the Uhaul ;)
The brand new patio
Nick and Ashley Cort's friends and new neighbors helped out once we arrived at the house
Thanks Ashley ;)
That box is really heavy but I got in trouble for complaining about there being no pictures of me so I had to lift a box ;)
New house!!!! YAY!!!!

1 comment:

  1. I love it. And I would love to make you an apron. Now that I have created one, I'm not as scared of messing up another one :) Love you and REALLY looking forward to July!
