Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Back online!

Hi everyone!! Back online and my disc drive is performing swimmingly ;) So I don't have a ton of new photos. I really need a small camera because I don't carry my big camera very often! Here are a few photos from the Bronco's practice that we went to on Saturday. They normally practice at Dove Valley but they practiced at Invesco for the fans this weekend. It was just finishing raining when we got there and Invesco Field was surrounded by beautiful rainbows! The practice was fun to watch too. It's a tradition to shave the rookies heads however the team wants and they have to leave it that way until the season starts. That's why I took the last few photos. The wave went around several times and I thought it was funny but it was nice to be around people that were having football withdrawals as bad as I am!!! Even if they are Bronco's fans!!! I will have to admit that I'm a little over everyone talking up Tim Tebow. Tim Tim Timmay! He is fresh out of college and very green! You should have seen these people at the practice! They cheered for everything he did! Everything! Even if it sucked or was lucky! They have two somewhat decent quarterbacks ahead of him! Even the news stations are building him up! Sorry for the outburst but it kind of irritates me! Where's the loyalty? Anyway, we had a lot of fun and I hope you enjoy the photos!

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