Saturday, March 26, 2011

My Attempt at Snow Boarding

Lindsay and David are in Denver visiting and boarding. I am pretty busy this week with them and having a blast!!!! Friday we talked Eric into coming with us to Breckenridge if I took a snow board lesson. We had a total blast and laughed a ton! Here are some resulting photos. More to come soon!
Best photo of the day!!!! Our instructor took this when she thought I was making a great turn and this photo is what we got. It is now my facebook profile picture!!!! Hahaha!
Ashley our instructor talking to me before our first lift which Eric knocked me down on)
Eric and I at the beginning of our lesson
Yep, you can believe your eyes. That's me!
Eric and I
Right before this photo was taken Eric told the instructor 'take the picture on 3. 1...2...3!' And shoved me. I fell, and the instructor missed that entirely and got this one after I stood up and started shoving back!
Eric, me, and Ashley

1 comment:

  1. That is awesome! Love that profile pic. That would be what I would look like if I tried to snowboard :) Miss you and it's great to see the photos!
