At Cort's parent's. Cort and his friend from work, Connor, Cort's dad, Les, and I started the truck packing party
I put Connor in charge of dusting furniture. He did a stellar job! A+
Connor can make anything into a fort! This is a very unique fort and it was really hard to get him out of there
I drove the Uhaul ;)
The brand new patio
Nick and Ashley Cort's friends and new neighbors helped out once we arrived at the house
Thanks Ashley ;)
That box is really heavy but I got in trouble for complaining about there being no pictures of me so I had to lift a box ;)
New house!!!! YAY!!!!
I love it. And I would love to make you an apron. Now that I have created one, I'm not as scared of messing up another one :) Love you and REALLY looking forward to July!