This one cracks me up! God knows what Dad's doing but I'm sure that's what everyone is laughing at and judging by Patricia's face, it has something to do with her fountain.

Haha!! Jake and I laugh at this thing at least a couple of times a year!!
It's just funny. I'm literally laughing right now.
Jake said: Look! Dad's outside. Point at him and laugh

I actually got Dad to laugh hence the smile in the picture. I love it!

Jake: Sarah, when is it acceptable for a third shifter to start drinking beer?
Me: Well, it depends on the day and the situation. I find myself wanting beer at the strangest times. Why? Do you want a beer?
Jake: Yeah.
Me: Well, I'll have one if you do.
Jake: Ok
Love all of the pictures! I wondered where you went?! It was a great time-definitely had by all! Can't wait to do it again.