Here's some more Christmas photos

I'm glad I got a photo before Chrissy phased me. Luckily it was set to stun!

Look everyone, Dad likes dogs!! He has a heart!!

Haha, Mom bundled and fogged up to feed the birds

Our intense game of Trivial Pursuit. Pursue we did...till 4 am!!

Mom feeding the birds
Ok, hi again everyone! So its been an absolutely crazy two weeks. I know I promised photos from the Avalanche game but I'm having trouble getting pics off my camera and onto my computer and I have to work tonight so I'm not going to spend a ton of time playing around with it. I wanted you all to know that I'm still alive and doing so well that I'm actually even surprising myself. I've spoken to a few of you so you know mostly what I'm talking about. I don't want to go into too much detail because this is a public site and I can think of at least one person that might check up on me if he can remember the address :) Hi Jordan if you're checking in on me! I'm not mad at you and I miss you! Anyway, I feel really good this week. I wanted to post some photos so let me look and I'll decide soon here what to share today. Ok, I had to go with Christmas. I had such a great time with you guy this year so here are some more Christmas photos. Enjoy. Avs game pics to come hopefully by the end on the week. Plus, I have a girls night/bday party Thursday and I'm sure there will be photos from that as well. Have a wonderful week!!!!
Love your pics, Sari! I'm soooo glad things are going well-if they don't go well, I'll set my phasor to more than stun!