Superbowl Sunday I woke up after a long needed 13 hour sleep at 5:30 am without an alarm. I made myself a pot of coffee and a nice ham and egg breakfast and had a lovely un-rushed meal with a beautiful snow covered view. Eric texted me at 7 that he was going to the gym. I was really impressed because he had to drive a ways on the crappy roads so I figured since I live 3 blocks away from it I should probably go as well and asked him to pick me up. I shoveled the sidewalk. I was very proud of myself! I've gone entire days without being as productive as I was that day before 7:30 am!!! Haha! After pushing Eric's car out of a snow drift on my street we had a nice long un-rushed workout with the gym to ourselves. Then I got ready and we went to his place for lunch. I actually told Eric at this point, I know the Packers are going to win tonight because I am having the best day! Once Russ met us there we headed to the bar where we watched the Superbowl. It was a great game! Close enough to keep it interesting...and me nervous! Go Packers!! What a great day!!!

My view from the front porch when I woke up

"Come help me push my car out, then we'll go to gym"

Eric and I just back from the gym

On our way into the gym, Eric jumped and grabbed a branch above us and yelled "AVALANCHE!" and ran way up ahead. I swear every flake of snow on that tree came down on me!! I started out my workout with snow melting down my back. It was awesome. In this picture he was trying to recreate his hilarious joke. Right before he took the photo he threw his water bottle at the tree and yelled it again. That's my face...And I just realized that that is the reason he made me put on his damn hat in the last picture! Hahaha! What a gentleman! Yeesh!

After the Packers won I collected all the green and yellow balloons at the bar (all 5 of them) and lost one in the rafters. Eric put his life in danger to rescue it for me. Who says chivalry is dead?

I taught Russ and Eric how to pay cricket and they took turns beating me to a pulp at my own game! Then Russ won a Rodgers jersey. Still very high on the list of best days!!!!