Sorry it's been awhile. It's been a hectic week and I haven't taken many new photos. I have worked a lot lately and Cort had Connor this weekend so any time I haven't been sleeping, we've been watching cartoons and rough housing. I'm so thrilled that I'm now included in that, haha... I woke up Saturday afternoon before going to work by having my feet tickled by a 6 year old (Connor had a birthday on June 1). Here are some more photos from our camping trip last weekend. I don't know if everyone knows or not yet but I got my vacation time approved!!!!!!! Can't wait to visit Georgia and Illinois!!!!!! I miss everyone sooooo much!!! Enjoy my photos! Hopefully I'll have something new for you soon. Happy Monday everyone (for me it's Friday, yay)!
I LOVE my car! I am so happy that I bought it! Despite all the issues I've had with it, it was totally worth the purchase! (Did I mention the check engine light is on? Hope it's nothing serious, haha)
A lesson in gun safety by Zach. Zach brought his guns with him and so we had to take them up the road and shoot them. I still don't really understand boys and guns, even though they are kind of cool.
More education
These are Nick's parent's dogs that are the same breed as Lambeau, norwegian elkhounds. They are very cool dogs
By the way, Chrissy, we did get rained on! I forgot to tell you. It rained while we were on the ATVs on Saturday (A drizzle, not too much). Then it rained late Saturday night as we were all thinking of going to bed. The weather decided for us and it rained and the wind blew all night. I didn't get wet in the tent but I don't really ever remember being warm.
Dirty!!! I don't remember the last time I've been that dirty. It's kind of fun but it would have been more fun if I could have showered right after getting that dirty!
The rain clouds on Saturday, view from our site
Zach was chopping wood for the fire with an ax and a piece came up and hit him right below the eye. He's lucky we didn't have a major emergency on our hands! I don't do eyes!! The next morning he woke up with a shiner. It's hard to see in this picture.
We were so tired when we got home that we just passed out after unpacking the car. Cort passed out before me so that I could take the photo (which he hates. he is actually standing over my shoulder complaining that I'm posting it, haha!)